Contact Us
Existing Members

If you are an existing Member and wish to place your order:
- Please call 1-800-073-399 to order by phone.
- If you have an online account, sign in and order from
- Forgot your sign in information? Visit the Username/Password help center.
- If you do not already have an online account, create one today . It takes just minutes!

Not Yet a Member?

Thank you for your interest in Melaleuca. Every Melaleuca Member is referred by another Member. To learn how you can become a Melaleuca Preferred Customer, contact the person who referred you to this site.

If you found this site through an online search, or you don't remember who referred you please call 1-800-073-399 for more information.

Corporate Headquarters
Suite 2 (East), Ground Floor, 123 Whitehorse Road
Balwyn,VIC 3103
TEL: 1-800-07-33-99
FAX: 1-800-55-11-90
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